Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Nero fiddled while Rome burnt!

Nero fiddled while Rome burnt! While the president and the legislative bodies continue to fiddle with the healthcare system, something that has room for improvement but is not broken for 90% of America, the economy is burning up with a terrible fever. Our economy is what is sick and in need of urgent care and attention. Families across america are hurting and its not because they can't see a doctor.
We still continue to shed jobs. Small businesses, the chief generator of employment growth, can't access money in one of the tightest credit environments ever seen. And the real unemployment rate is the worse in over 50 years. The economy's condition is serious and in some areas almost terminal and yet the President and VP tell us how they have saved the economy. It reminds me of when Al Gore claimed he created the Internet.
Instead we focus on taxing those who have have "Cadillac" health plans and reducing spending on medicare. This sounds like redistribution to me. How can we take the Democrats seriously on their pet projects when they won't even address tort reform? There are more people unemployed or under employed than there are without access to healthcare. What's the urgent problem? To quote a prominent democrat's words of's the economy stupid. Repeat after me, jobs, jobs, jobs!


  1. Extraordinary! It IS the economy stupid, indeed. All problems fixable by a Government all come back to the economy, by definition. But that's not the point here. We have an appalling economic condition brought about by decades of inaction, and 8 years of unbelievable blindness and stupidity. If you do not see that fixing issues of healthcare, which directly impact the economy, are part of the solution-not part of the problem, then you are both blind and stupid. At the very least, you are advocating a mindset and associated actions that caused us to be where we are now, so how can more of the same be an obvious remedy for correction? That makes no logical stop acting on your unedited beliefs, and apply some logical thought to the idea that vison, not passion is the way out of the mess that people like you helped crfeate in the first place.

  2. PS. FACT: Healthncare costs in the US amount to over 17% of GDP, vs 8-10% in most other advanced economies. Worse, the US has the highest % of uncovered citizens AND is around 37th in the key stats. about health outcomes, such as infant mortality and life expectancy. The US has an economic model that pushes cheap, unhealthy diets on its citizens, and then partners that with massively expensive drug treatments to address the outcomes at 'the end of days'. This means that you fix the problem for some people late in the game, rather than improving health conditions for the majority earlier in their life stages....
